Albinoni: The Complete Concertos Op. 9; Adagio For Organ And Strings
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I Musici is rivaled perhaps only by the Academy of St Martin in the Fields when it comes to predictably crystalline performances of the Baroque masters. When I Musici, Felix Ayo, Heinz Holliger, and Maurice Bourge turn to Albinoni's concerto repertoire, the outcome is never in doubt.
Let me clarify that these comments do not in any way suggest that this Philips two-disk set is 'standard' in any pedantic way. Emphatically, it is not.
Rather, the artists team with Philips' Duo Series to render access to a masterful rendering of one of Early Baroque's unsung great ones affordable to the masses, of which this reviewer is a card-carrying member.
One can only say 'Bravo!'.
outstanding oboe concerti
This is a re-issue of recordings made in the mid 1960s, so they are 40 years old; however the sound, while not as good as one can expect from a current CD, is quite good. Albiboni's Opus 9 is a set of 12 concertos, 4 for violin, four for oboe and four for two oboes with orchestra. They are in 5 parts, and rather simple when compared with Bach, for example. They are not written for virtuoso soloists, rather for oboe with orchestra. In my opinion the violin concertos, while pleasant enough, do not compare with those of his contempories, such as vivaldi and Bach. However the oboe concertos are outstanding, and while I could nominate the odd baroque 0boe concerto that is as good or better, the set of six stand alone.
The 12 concertos are played by I Musici, a long established modern instrument group that specialises in music of this period, the violin solo is by Felix Ayo, their first violin, and the oboes are played my the great Heinz Hollinger and Maurice Bourgue. So I can find little to criticise with the performance, I Musici and Hollinger were/are world class. Deciding on a rating was not easy, but taking the recording of Opus 9 as a whole I gave it 4 and feel a little mean, the 6 oboe concertos alone would get 5.
best Albinoni ever
Tomaso Albinoni is best known for his Adagio, that is actually an arrangement by Giazzoto. His real masterpieces are the Concertos Opus 9(recorded here by I Musici). The sound of this recording is very good considering its age (mid 1950s and 1960s). The Concerto Op. 9/2 is the most beautiful oboe concerto ever composed. Heinz Holliger is explendid as soloist. If you like baroque music played in a old-fashioned way (rather romantic), it's for you. If you like baroque music played accordind "authentic baroque techniques it's not for you.
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